Mel Eliott . Erin Husband . Katey O’Sullivan
15 February 2023 - 16 March 2023
Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
Artists Mel Elliot, Erin Husband, and Katey O’Sullivan (after FLUXUS . collective) have come together to explore the theme of ‘demolition by neglect’, a phrase used to describe the willful act of leaving built structures to slowly deteriorate over time until eventually they crumble and decay beyond repair.
It could be suggested that Centrepoint Arcade, and in turn the Third Space + Digital Gallery in which the artwork is installed, can be classified as neglected architecture. This once vibrant shopping hub’s halcyon days have long passed, the dark years have taken their toll. Through the persistent work of creatives, the space has been ‘art washed’ in an attempt to mask the harsh reality. The dereliction is still there, stubbornly bubbling and blooming up to the surface, so much so that the Gallery is too unsafe for the public to enter.
‘Pernicious’ is an exhibition of works that aim to draw attention to the state of neglect of Centrepoint Arcade. Speaking to both time and place, the artworks are a story of now and then. The ephemeral nature of urban spaces. The slow creep of decay and melancholy.
Mel Elliot, Erin Husband, and Katey O'sullivan